
"Melini has created something far more interesting than most of what Hollywood has to offer" - "I truly hope someone stands up and gives the money that Davide and his team need and help him get recognised in the bigger film world, because this guy is the future of film" - "Melini’s style and filmmaking history confirms he is part of a new generation of giallo filmmakers that continues to expand upon the genre in exciting ways" - "On the national and international level he is a talent on the rise" - "Melini has a solid future in the horror biz" - "Melini has a fantastic eye for the visual and takes command of his audience from the start and shows a great deal of promise in what could be as his career begins to take off" - "With his unusual style that is infamous among Italian directors, Davide Melini is definately one to watch" - "If this is any indication of the caliber of film he can make, I look forward to his feature-length projects!" - "Melini brings complexity and possibilities to a world of horror that could really use his help" - "Director Davide Melini packs more suspense in just minutes in this short film than many directors do in over an hour and a half of screen time" - "Director Davide Melini seems ambitious and creative" - "One of the up and coming directors I have been keeping my eye on is Davide Melini" - "He is also a great storyteller as well as visionary" - "His stylish and well-crafted short films are definitely a must-see" - "Melini is a sharp director and I want to see what he can do with more material" - "It’s a shame that he hasn’t yet received an offer to make a full-length feature" - "The talent of Davide Melini is evident in the few minutes of the film. You can see he has a talent with suspense films and I really hope there will be a full length production from him" - "Davide’s shorts have been winning him accolaids and awards as well as being selected for numerous film festivals. Clearly a talented man to keep your eyes on" - "Melini proves he can competently tell a story that keeps our interest, and most importantly, his direction and use of camera movement is what best shows his style, a frenetic tide that rises until the final slam-bang ending" - "Director Davide Melini, aware that every second counts, is able to evoke similar visceral moments to early Lucio Fulci, Dario Argento, and Mario Bava through highly stylized camera work" - "How Melini tells their stories in this film is imaginative and visually dramatic, and although the “message” at the end of the film feels a bit heavy-handed, it’s shot through with feeling that makes it go straight to your heart. It’s a moving and beautiful film" - "One Filmmaker to have our eyes on in the future... Can't wait for his next upcoming film THE SWEET HAND OF THE WHITE ROSE" - "Davide Melini really knows how to frame and light a shot. I'd love to see what he could do with a feature with complete control like he has in his shorts" -"Melini is definitely somebody to watch" - "Melini shows us some of his talents he spins things around, making it stand out above most short movies" - "The director can easily tell a story visually, and he knows when and how to use the camera, and has an eye for interesting compositions" - "Melini’s use of the camera is one that is belonging to the feature" - "Melini has created a short film here that is both stylishly appealing and emotionally satisfying" - "He's an aspiring Italian film maker that brings with him all of the attributes that has made Italy famous in the world of horror" -"With THE PUZZLE, Italian filmmaker Davide Melini makes a basic idea interesting and creates a disturbing and fascinating movie with very little run time" - "Director Davide Melini manages to take two somewhat tortured concepts and put them together creating a clever, captivating, well paced short film" -"Melini shows us what direction he wants to go in film making. Let ‘s hope he will have more of this goodness for us in the future" - "Melini is able to create a haunting atmosphere with color and lighting" - "The Italian writer/director certainly knows how to tell a story" -"Melini manages to create a good atmosphere, momentary tension, a few effective jump scares and last moment twist" -"Estamos ante un cortometraje de escasos 5 minutos donde Davide Melini realiza una gran labor de dirección" -"Davide, escritor y director a su vez, realiza un fenomenal trabajo tras la cámara, con planos dulces (como la mano) y maestros (véanse las secuencias de la niña en el parque) desde el primer minuto" - "Con una sola localización, dos actores, y menos de 5 minutos de duración, Davide Melini consiguió crear un thriller en toda regla que funcionó a la perfección, consiguiendo buenos comentarios tanto de la crítica como del público, e incluso ha sido emitido por diferentes cadenas de televisión" - "Nuevamente Melini demuestra una gran destreza detrás de la cámara" - "Davide Melini, "L'Enfant Prodige" del Cinema Horror Italiano" - "Con il ritorno in scena di uno dei più importanti registi horror italiani di questi ultimi anni, il giallo italiano si prepara a festeggiare in grande il suo 50º compleanno" -"Davide Melini ancora una volta fa centro, confezionando in pochi minuti un capolavoro che merita assolutamente di essere visto: ogni scena, ogni inquadratura, ogni particolare è stato sapientemente incastrato, cesellato, affinato, diretto, montato e musicato con una maestria degna di un regista professionista" - "Le inquadrature, rivelano un talento artistico notevole e metodi quasi da manuale" - "Davide Melini, uno dei registi più rappresentativi nel campo dell’indipendente italiano" - "La paura protagonista dei lavori di Melini viene da lontano, da quell’ignoto e quasi dimenticato cinema horror italiano che viene sempre citato e omaggiato ma al quale pochi (a parte Melini) riescono a dare continuità" -"Davide Melini - Pioniere italiano del genere horror" - "Il sottobosco delle produzioni indipendenti ha trovato un nuovo talentuoso autore" - "Il regista riesce anche se con un budget veramente bassissimo, si parla di una cifra intorno ai 300 euro, a realizzare un piccolo miracolo cinematografico" - "Il regista inscena un dramma umano e lo rappresenta attraverso la metafora di una vicenda fantasy-horror che niente concede all'improvvisazione, all'ingenuo entusiasmo dilettantesco o ai ritmi sonnacchiosi e melensi di certe produzioni televisive" - "Ci auguriamo che Davide possa presto misurarsi col lungometraggio e, soprattutto, che abbia l’occasione di lavorare in Italia: abbiamo bisogno di lui, di spaventi, di pulp, di azione, di gioventù - "Non ci sono dubbi sul fatto che avrà successo e che saprà distinguersi tra i giovani emergenti che cercano di farsi un nome, in Italia e all'estero. Davide non solo è sulla buona strada, ma rischia davvero di fare un ottima carriera, visti già i promettentissimi lavori che ha proposto" - "Davide Melini, sicuramente uno dei nomi più interessanti del sottobosco cinematografico di genere" - "Siamo di fronte ad un nuovo talento registico italiano da tenere d'occhio" - "La regia di Davide è sempre più autoritaria e sicura e lo si vede in ogni fotogrammo, nella ottima scelta dei due protagonisti e in particolare nel dare ai personaggi un'anima capace di comunicare con coloro che guarda le immagini" - "La regia di Melini è molto pimpante e fumettistica tanto da dare l'idea di tradurre in immagini le tavole di un ipotetico storyboard" - "Una regia da manuale inanella una serie di inquadrature, che giocano con il genere" - "Un giovane regista da tener d'occhio" - "Il regista dimostra di avere talento da vendere" - "Chi mi segue da un pò sa tranquillamente che spesso mi diletto a sponsorizzare ottimi giovani registi italiani in fase di crescita, uno dei più promettenti è stato senza dubbio l'italo spagnolo Davide Melini" -"Eppure, di autori interessanti ce ne sono. Uno di questi è Davide Melini, sceneggiatore e regista di cortometraggi e assistente alla regia in diversi film" - "Il regista si impossessa della camera, regalando dinamici movimenti di macchina"

giovedì 31 dicembre 2009

Goodbye 2009...

Today, December 31, it’s time, for me, to make the year balance. I spent the last twelve months for the production of ‘The sweet hand of the White Rose’. The new short will be ready on 2010. Although I didn’t have to much free time, these are the most important informations: my penultimate short (‘The Puzzle’) has been screened in the italian television and it’s also been selected for five festival finals. The reviews are 21 (12 of them are from US) and the interviews are 3. I also opened the blogs of my first two shorts: ‘Amore Estremo’ and ‘La Sceneggiatura’. Now I’m planning the future film…
Happy New Year to everyone!

martedì 29 dicembre 2009

The italian blog of 'La Sceneggiatura'

A few month ago, I opened a blog of my first short, called 'Amore Estremo' ('Extreme Love'). Well, now the blog of my second short, called 'La Sceneggiatura' ('The Screenplay') is available too. In there, you can find a lots of informations, pictures, curiosity, etc. The blog is in italian language.

venerdì 25 dicembre 2009

'The sweet hand of the White Rose' - Official Poster

Like I promised, today I've put up the poster (created by Daniel Tamayo) of my new short movie. You can also read below the technical data. The short will be ready for the beginning of 2010.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!

giovedì 24 dicembre 2009

Some news before Christmas

A new review of 'The Puzzle' came out on "The movies made me do it". I'm a little bit surprise, because it's the first time that someone criticises the audio (it was muffled). The truth is that we have converted the movie on NTSC format and I really don't know if we lost quality (I can't watch it in a normal dvd player!). This point is very important for me, because my new short will be available on PAL and NTSC format too. We'll see anyway... Push here to read the review. You can also find some informations about 'The Puzzle' on "The Horror Section" (push here and go at the end of the page) and "Quelli che il venerdí" (push here). I remember that tomorrow, I'll put up the official poster of 'The sweet hand of the White Rose' and the technical data.

sabato 19 dicembre 2009


What will I do in the future? After 'The sweet hand of the White Rose', which will be my next film? It's time to plan the job for the next year! So I start to work on that. I have some projects in my mind... Anyway on December, 25, I'll put up the official poster and the technical data of the new short.

giovedì 10 dicembre 2009

Today is the night!

'The Puzzle' will be screened this evening at 23:20 on "Coming Soon Television" (Sky - Channel 180). The short will be also screened again, tomorrow at 12:00 and at 20:30. I want to say thanks to Ezekiel Montes (producer), Cachito Noguera (actress) and Alessandro Fornari (actor), Biktor Kero (editor) and all the people that worked in the project.
Watch the short, in streaming, here and enjoy the night!!!

martedì 8 dicembre 2009

'The Puzzle' - A new review

This time is Chuck Conry that talks about 'The Puzzle' on the american web site, called "Zombies don't run". For reading his review, just push here. Thanks a lot, Chuck!

lunedì 7 dicembre 2009

Two words about 'The Puzzle'

You can find some words about 'The Puzzle' in these american web sites: "Hey! Look Behind You" (push here to read it) and "The Wit and Weirdness of Al Bruno III" (push here to read it).
Yesterday I've spoken to Christian Valente about the sound of the new short and he said to me that everything will be ready for the beginning of the new year.
Soon other news.

mercoledì 2 dicembre 2009

'The Puzzle' - A new review

Hello again! I'm writing today, for informing that 'The Puzzle' has been reviewed by "Bloofer Lady" on the web called "Horror Crypt". Push here to read it. American people continue to show their love for my short. Thanks again!

martedì 1 dicembre 2009

'The Puzzle' in television

I'm happy to say that 'The Puzzle' will be screened in the italian television! It will be possible watching my short on "Coming Soon Television" (Sky - Channel 180), the next thursday at 23:20 and friday at 12:00 and at 20:30.

mercoledì 25 novembre 2009

Interview on "Dollar Bin Horror"

Hello! I'm here, this time, for informing that a new interview of mine, came out yesterday on the web, called "Dollar Bin Horror". This is my first american interview! I want to say thanks to Rhonny Reaper, to give me this opportunity. For reading it, just push here.

venerdì 20 novembre 2009

'The Puzzle' in Philadelphia

It's difficult to explain how I'm feeling now. I'm really, really, really happy that 'The Puzzle' continues its incredible way! I can't believe that this short (less than 5 mintes!) can go so good and can arrive so far. This time is Alison Nastasi that talks on the horror web, called "Screamstress", about my short. Her review is available here.
Go also to visit "Horror Squad", a web about giallo films. In there, you can read the reviews, always written by Alison Nastasi, of some important giallo movies, like 'Seven notes in black', 'Black sabbath' and 'Giallo Bathing'.

Another good review came out on the italian blog, called "Oltre il fondo". Read it here.

Thanks everybody for the wonderful words about me. Soon other news, reviews and... my first american interview!

giovedì 19 novembre 2009

'The Puzzle' disembarks to Brookline

The writer Andre Dumas wrote a new review of 'The Puzzle' on her web, called "The Horror Digest". I'm really, really proud when american people show their love for my short. Thank you, Andre, for the beautiful words and I hope you will enjoy, in the future, my new short too! You can read the full review here. Enjoy!

mercoledì 18 novembre 2009

The video is completed!

Yesterday, I met with José Antonio Crespillo and Habacuc Rodríguez, in the "Black Diamond" production, for working on the colour effects. I'm proud to say that the video is completed for good! Now we have just to wait the sounds and musics by Christian Valente.
Soon the original poster will be available on the blog!
You can also find the trailer of 'The Puzzle' on the american web, called "Film Gurl". For watching it, just push here.

venerdì 13 novembre 2009

'Visioni Gotiche' on "Darkitalia"

'Visioni Gotiche', the band that played the music of 'The Puzzle', have made an interview on "Darkitalia". Push here to read it. It's always with pleasure talking about someone that knows how to work good. Well done!

martedì 10 novembre 2009

'The Puzzle' - Review nº 25!

A new review of 'The Puzzle' came out yesterday on the italian blog, called "L'abitatore del Buio". I'm very proud about that, because it has been written by Fabio Marangoni, a young italian horror and mystery writer. Push here to read the review and enjoy.
This thursday I've an appointment with José Antonio Crespillo (D.O.P.) for beginning to work on the colour effects.
Soon other news.

giovedì 5 novembre 2009

News on 'Splattergramma's web site

If you want to read what 'Splattergramma' (an italian horror site) said about 'The sweet hand of the White Rose', just push here.

mercoledì 4 novembre 2009

"Il Puzzle insanguinato" ("The bloody Puzzle")

I like the new review headline about 'The Puzzle', that has come out today. Push here to read it.
Soon other news.

domenica 1 novembre 2009

'The Puzzle' - A new review

A new american short review, has come out on 'Jaded viewer''s site. For reading it, just push here.

sabato 31 ottobre 2009



Stingy Jack was getting chased by some villagers from whom he had stolen, when he met the Devil, who claimed it was time for him to die. However, the thief stalled his death by tempting the Devil with a chance to bedevil the church-going villagers chasing him. Jack told the Devil to turn into a coin with which he would pay for the stolen goods (the Devil could take on any shape he wanted); later, when the coin/Devil disappeared, the Christian villagers would fight over who had stolen it. The Devil agreed to this plan. He turned himself into a silver coin and jumped into Jack's wallet, only to find himself next to a cross Jack had also picked up in the village. Jack had closed the wallet tight, and the cross stripped the Devil of his powers; and so he was trapped. In both myths, Jack only lets the Devil go when he agrees never to take his soul. After a while the thief died, as all living things do. Of course, his life had been too sinful for Jack to go to heaven; however, the Devil had promised not to take his soul, and so he was barred from hell as well. Jack now had nowhere to go. He asked how he would see where to go, as he had no light, and the Devil mockingly tossed him an ember that would never burn out from the flames of hell. Jack carved out one of his turnips (which was his favourite food), put the ember inside it, and began endlessly wandering the Earth for a resting place. He became known as "Jack of the Lantern", or Jack-o'-Lantern.


1981 - Halloween II, written by John Carpenter and Debra Hill and directed by Rick Rosenthal.
It's a direct sequel to the first film: set on the same night of October 31, 1978, in the fictional American Midwest town of Haddonfield, the seemingly indestructible Michael Myers follows his intended victim Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) to a nearby hospital while Dr. Loomis (Donald Pleasence) is still in pursuit of his patient.

2009 - H2: Halloween II, written, directed, and produced by Rob Zombie.
The film is a sequel to Zombie's 2007 remake of Halloween (1978), and the tenth film in the Halloween film series. Picking up where Halloween ended, and then jumping ahead one year, H2 follows Laurie Strode (Scout Taylor-Compton) as she deals with the aftermath of the previous year's events, Dr. Loomis (Malcolm McDowell) who is trying to capitalize on those events by publishing a new book that chronicles everything that happened, and Michael Myers (Tyler Mane) as he continues his search for Laurie so that he can reunite with his sister.


venerdì 30 ottobre 2009

'The Puzzle' - A new review

Go to read the new review of my penultimate short film, made by Simone Corà on "Midian's blog". This review came out two months ago, but I know about it only today. Why? Because there is a mistake about my surname (it's happened sometimes...). Thanks for the beautiful words, Simone. I hope you can like my new film too.

lunedì 26 ottobre 2009

'Amore Estremo' - Trailer 2009

Here you can watch the new theatrical trailer of my first short film, called 'Amore Estremo'. The video has been realized by Roberto Micalizzi.
Good job!

giovedì 22 ottobre 2009

The italian blog of 'Amore Estremo'

I've recently thought to talk a bit about all my movies and for this reason, I opened a blog of my first short, called 'Amore Estremo' ('Extreme Love'). In there, you can find a lots of informations, pictures, curiosity, etc. Now, I'm waiting the new theatrical trailer, by Roberto Micalizzi. The blog is in italian language.
Now some news, about 'The sweet hand of the White Rose': Miguel Serón has, finally, finished the visual effetcs and this saturday, I've an appointment with Biktor Kero, for completing the video. The next step will be working on colour effetcs and making the theatrical trailer. Meanwhile, in Rome, Christian Valente is working on the sounds and musics.
Soon the fantastic movie poster, made by Daniel Tamayo.

domenica 18 ottobre 2009

Tobin Bell is 'Jigsaw' again!

Saw VI, which began shooting on March 30, 2009, will be released in theaters on October 23, 2009. This six chapter is directed by Kevin Greutert, who has been the editor on all the past Saw films to date. Here the plot (from imdb):
"Special Agent Strahm is dead, and Detective Hoffman has emerged as the unchallenged successor to Jigsaw's legacy. However, when the FBI draws closer to Hoffman, he is forced to set a game into motion, and Jigsaw's grand scheme is finally understood".

mercoledì 14 ottobre 2009


Hello! I haven’t post anything for a long time, but it's just because nothing happens to me since my last post. This week we should finish the digital effects (by Miguel Serón). After that, we will finally work on the colour effetcs, with José Antonio Crespillo. I also want give the welcome to Daniel Tamayo, new grapich designer. He's going to replace Francisco Rodríguez.

martedì 29 settembre 2009

Dubbing the movie

The last saturday we worked on the dubbing and we've finished the english and spanish versions. We also recorded the trailer voice (the official trailer will be only in english).
This week we should finally complete the poster.

venerdì 18 settembre 2009

Interview for "Gufetto Magazine"

Today it's come out a new interview that I made for "Gufetto Magazine" (http://www.gufetto.it/cms/index.php/Cinema-interviste/Intervista-al-regista-Davide-Melini.html). Thanks for the nice words about me: I'll try to not disappoint you!
About the new short, we are always working in the post-production. I want to give the welcome to Christian Valente (sound mixer): he will work with us directly from Rome.

mercoledì 26 agosto 2009

All the news

These are the most important news:
1. Tomorrow evening, Carlos Bahos and Natasha Machuca will dub the film in spanish language.
2. Biktor Kero finished the editing and now he's working on the credits.
3. Miguel Serón started to work on the visual effects (3D).
4. Sunday we should finish all the sound and music with Alejandro Martín.
5. Francisco Rodríguez is still working on the poster.
6. The color effetcs has been delayed for a couple of weeks.

venerdì 21 agosto 2009

Work, work and work...

In these days, we are very busy with the post-production- These are the most important news: Biktor Kero is finishing the edit, Alejandro Martin is working on the sound and Francisco Rodríguez is designing the poster. The next week we should correct the color with José Antonio Crespillo and sunday 30 of August we have the appointment for dubbing the movie.
I'm very happy, until now, about the result.

sabato 15 agosto 2009

'The Puzzle' - A new review

A new review came out two days ago. This time is "Gufetto Magazine" to review 'The Puzzle' (http://www.gufetto.it/cms/index.php/Cinema-Speciali/The-Puzzle.html) and to talk about 'The sweet hand of the White Rose' (http://www.gufetto.it/cms/index.php/Cinema-Speciali/La-dolce-mano-della-rosa-bianca.html).
Soon other news.

mercoledì 12 agosto 2009

A new review and interview

Go to read the last review about 'The Puzzle' that came out today on the italian horror web, called "Thefear" (http://www.thefear.it/). They made me an interview (http://www.thefear.it/news%20approfondimenti/interdavidemelini.html) where I also talk about 'The sweet hand of the White Rose'.
Tomorror I've a meeting with Alejandro Martín for speaking about the sounds and music.

giovedì 6 agosto 2009

Post-production - First steps

The post-production began three days ago and we already have the film editing. Of course, it's just the base upon which working. This month will be very busy, with the editing, color effects, dubbing, sound and music, ect. We are just in the beginning!

venerdì 31 luglio 2009

Interview with Casabermeja's mayor

Some weeks ago, Casabermeja's television made me an inteview. Today it was our turn and so we interviewed the Casabermeja mayor, Antonio Domínguez. With him, we also talked about the premiere. We'll include all the specials and interviews in our making off, realized by Alberto Cuevas. This sunday, we'll begin the editing: go for it!

venerdì 17 luglio 2009

First feelings...

Today, I've been, with Alessandro Fornari and Biktor Kero, to watch the shootings of the new short. After 1 month, I was very curious... actually, I have to say that the first feelings are very good. I'm satisfied more or less about everything I saw: shots, lights, actings, etc. The editing is beginning on August and I'm sure we'll make a great job.

domenica 12 luglio 2009

First official stills

"Indie Horror" published some official stills about the new short. Go here to watch:

venerdì 10 luglio 2009

The "MystFest" final

Tomorrow, 11 of July, there is the final of "MystFest". Here you can find the full program:
'The Puzzle' will partecipate in web section's final:
Good luck!

giovedì 9 luglio 2009

Gordiano Lupi talks about 'The Puzzle'

The well-known writer Gordiano Lupi wrote, yesterday, a new review about 'The Puzzle'. In his article, he also talked about me and all my movies (from the first 'Extreme Love' to the latest 'The sweet hand of the White Rose'). Go to read it on:
http://www.tellusfolio.it/index.php?lev=85&cmd=v&id=9104 and

mercoledì 8 luglio 2009


About 'The sweet hand of the White Rose': we postponed the editing on August. In the meanwhile, we are organizing the dubbing, the original poster, the official web site, etc.
About 'The Puzzle': some new reviews are coming out in a few weeks.
Soon other news.

sabato 27 giugno 2009

Efata Festival 2009 - Awards ceremony

Like I promised on May, I'm writing (now that I have some free time...) about the night in which 'The Screenplay' won the award as 2nd best film on
"Efata Festival 2009" (http://www.cortometrajescristianos.com/).

(In the picture, between me, the actors Matteo Pianezzi and Claudia Nicosia).
The ceremony was pretty good and I'm really proud about the award, because it's not easy winning, if your movie speaks another language. The only thing I didn't like, was that the dvd player didn't read good the movie sound. This is the jury verdict (in spanish): "El segundo premio ha sido para el corto "El Guión" de Davide Melini. El autor, afincado en España, es un maestro en crear climas inquietantes. Porque nos muestra una realidad muchas veces desconocida que suele pasar inadvertida, aunque sus consecuencias son palpables en la sociedad. Porque creemos que es un autor que seguramente va a dar mucho que hablar."

Below, you can watch the awards ceremony's night.

This video is also available on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8BlnfzfvXQ.

venerdì 26 giugno 2009

Francisco Rodríguez is the graphic design

Francisco Rodríguez (still photographer) will work also as graphic design. After his great 'The Puzzle''s poster, he will create 'The sweet hand of the White Rose''s poster and official web page too. Yesterday I talked to him and he was well-motivated. In the end, the post production will begin on July. Soon other news.

lunedì 15 giugno 2009

It's over!

I'm very happy to say that yesterday we finally finished the shootings. Now we need to "cut off power" and relax. All the post-production (editing, trailer, web site, stills, etc.) will begin on July. I want to give thanks to all the people and institutions that worked in the project. Thanks again guys: we made a wonderful and impressive job!

sabato 13 giugno 2009

The last day!

Tomorrow it is our last day of shootings. I hope we will not find any surprise (about the weather), this time... Go to read two news that came out from "Escuola Superior de Artes Escenicas de Málaga" (http://esaem.wordpress.com/2009/05/30/rodaje-de-un-corto-con-alumna-de-la-esaem-como-protagonista/) and Casabermeja's official web site(http://www.casabermeja.es/pagina.asp?cod=862).
Go for it!

domenica 7 giugno 2009

'The Puzzle' on "MystFest"

'The Puzzle' has been selected for the final of "MystFest - CortoGiallo" (http://www.mystfest.com/corti-in-gara.php). This important festival was born on 1973 and the main subject is the "Thriller and Mystery".
Good luck for this new final!

giovedì 4 giugno 2009

14 of June

The last shooting day will be on 14 of June. We are going to shoot in the Park of Málaga and in Casabermeja's cementery. Ready to finish!!! Meanwhile go to read the article that "Escuola Superior de Artes Escenicas de Málaga" published on http://www.esaemalaga.com/detalle_noticias.php?id_noticia=84
Below you can see others movie's pictures.

1. The church.

2. Fernando Moleón (steadicam operator) shoots Carlos Bahos.

3. María García makes up Natasha Machuca.

4. Carlos Bahos and Natasha Machuca.

4. Lights and rain rehearses.

domenica 31 maggio 2009

'The Talkatives''s concert

While we are arranging the last shooting's day, some news, about the short, came out in Italy (http://indie.horror.it/2009/05/work-in-progress-la-dolce-mano-della-rosa-bianca-2/) and in Spain (http://www.casabermeja.es/noticias/ficha.asp?not=610).
I have also to add that 'The Talkatives' hold a very deep concert, yesterday night. Below, you can find some pictures of them.

martedì 26 maggio 2009

Sunday without problem

After been very unlucy the last friday and saturday, we didn't have any problem on sunday, where we cleverly shot in the pub. There were all the crew and a lots of extras. We really made a great job. Now we have just to arrange one more shooting's day. Below, you can find a few pictures.

1. 'The Talkatives'.

2. Leocricia Sabán as 'Mary'.

3. Carlos Bahos as 'Mark'.

4. Still: the disco.

sabato 23 maggio 2009

Cover set!

We have had to postpone the shootings, because it was raining. Now we have to find a new data for realizing the final day. Damn!!! I can't believe!!! Tomorrow, anyway, we'll work in a pub.

venerdì 22 maggio 2009

Final step!

After a relaxing week, we are ready to shoot again. In this weekend, we'll shoot in Casabermeja's cementery, in a park and in a pub. You can see and enjoy, some pictures that Francisco Rodríguez (our still photographer) made the last week.

1. From left to right: Carlos Bahos (actor), Davide Melini (director), Fernando Moleón (steadicam operator) and José Antonio Crespillo (cinematographer).

2. Carlos Bahos as 'Mark'.

3. Carlos Bahos as 'Mark'.

4. Natasha Machuca as 'The Kid'.

martedì 19 maggio 2009

The first step went away!

The first shootings week passed very good. Although in the first day we have had some problem (in particular, because there wasn't enough production), in the others days everything have been fine. I'm very happy for all we shot, even if I cut some shots. The crew worked very hard and the actors made a wonderful performance. Yesterday the Casabermeja's television came to shoot and make some interview to us. I have also to add that in these days, two news, about the short, came out on "Málaga Film Office" (http://www.malagafilmoffice.com/noticia.php?noticia=218) and "La Zona Morta" (http://www.lazonamorta.it/view.php?id=1060).
Ready for the second and final step!

giovedì 14 maggio 2009

Ready to shoot!

Tomorrow, 15 of may, will begin the shootings of my new short. I'm very optimist, because I know that we can make a very good job. It's show time!!!!

domenica 10 maggio 2009

'The sweet hand of the White Rose' - Official Cast

It's time now to reveal the official cast of the short: I want to give the welcome to:

Carlos was born in 1979, on Málaga.

- 'Espejos', by Carlos Vallejo;
- 'Arrayan' (TV serie);
- 'Rocío Casi Madre' (TV serie);
- 'Ponme una nube Rocío' (TV serie);
- 'SOS Estudiantes' (TV serie);
- 'Clandestinos', by Antonio Hens;
- 'Calles de fuego', by Ismael Morillo.


Natasha was born in the 1998, on Málaga. She's studing acting on "Colegio Salliver". For the first time on the screen.

Leocricia was born in the 1988, on Málaga and she studied "Escuela Superior de Arte Escenicas".

- 'Aparentemente perdecta', by Julio García;
- 'Versus', by herself;
- 'La playa roja', by Fernando Díaz.

The shootings will begin the next friday (14th of May).
Go for!

venerdì 1 maggio 2009

'The Screenplay' - 2nd best film in "Efata Festival"

It's always more difficult finding the time for writing, because we are always more near to the shooting's day. But this time I must find some free time, because I've an important new: I'm very happy to annunce that 'The Screenplay' won the second prize of "Efata Festival" 2009. I want to give thanks to all the actors (Matteo Pianezzi, Claudia Nicosia and Filippo Panunzi), to all the crew (Roberto Micalizzi, Andrea Veracini, Niccoló Palomba, Alessandro Fornari, Nicola Mariano, Diego Prestopino, Matteo Vaterlini, Emmanuele and Andrea Mazziotti) and to all the institutions that supported the project. While now, I've to prepare all the lead story, you can see some unpublished pictures. In the end, I want dedicate this prize to a very good friend of mine, that disappeared the last year; a friend that always trusted on me and that this short is the last job we made together: Rosario Prestopino! Soon the award ceremony's video.

Claudia Nicosia (actress) and Matteo Pianezzi (actor).

Matteo Vaterlini (grip) and Alessandro Fornari (production manager).

Niccoló Palomba (Cinematography).

Claudia Nicosia and Roberto Micalizzi (editor).

Davide Melini (director).
Niccoló Palomba.
Andrea Mazziotti (grip), Davide Melini and...
Diego Prestopino (special effects) and Claudia Nicosia.

domenica 26 aprile 2009

"Let me go" by 'The Talkatives'

Yesterday 'The Talkatives' - below in the picture - plaid in the 'Classic Rock Café' (Málaga).

The pub was full of people and I'm really proud to listen them playing, for the first time, "Let me go", a music that they have specifically written for the short... the truth is that the concert has been a success!!! Go to watch their video on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWC_OtBwmUY